It is so tough to eat well this time of year!!! It seems like there are parties, dinners, treats and candy everywhere!
For example, my cute little 8 year old son came home from Scouts the other day with this gem…
Ummm, ya.
He told me I could have some too….so I of course had a nibble or 4 so he wouldn’t feel bad. 😉
Last night I went to a fun Progressive Dinner thing with the ladies from my church. I was determined to eat as well as I could…but, I did NOT! I was a little bit of a pig.
It was yummy, though.
We also have a couple Christmas parties to go to this weekend. Freak.
However, I know eating healthily is a lifestyle and not just a diet. When I mess up and eat something (or several somethings) that are not particularly good for me…I don’t give up!
I just make better choices the next time I eat!
So instead of thinking, “Well, I messed up….so I’ll just eat whatever I want and start again fresh on Monday.” I start THE VERY NEXT TIME I EAT!
Every time we eat, we have a choice. With that being said, I made the yummiest Protein Shake the other day!
It tastes like a Peppermint Candy Milkshake….but it’s GREEN! So, I call it my GRINCHY Candy Cane Protein Shake!
Here ya go…
1/2 C. water (or liquid of your choice)
1/2 C. Unsweetened Almond Milk (or liquid of your choice)
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
a couple drops Peppermint Extract
1-2 tsp. crushed sugar free candy canes
1 T. ground flaxseed (optional)
2 big handfuls baby spinach (optional)
Ice (more or less depending on what you like)
Mix it all up in the blender and enjoy! Seriously, yum!
Nutritional Information: Calories 193, fat 4.75 g, sodium 302 mg, carbs 12 g, fiber 2.5 g, protein 28.5 g.