I’m sorry to report that I am officially sick. Day-ang.
I’ve felt it comin’ on for days now, but hoped it would never really develop. But, it did and now I feel very lousy.
My sweet little baby has been sick as well. He’s had a cough, runny nose and fever. Poor little guy.
Ya know, it’s ironic though….just last week I was talking to my sister and I told her I hadn’t been sick in a loooong time (I knew I jinxed myself right when I said it!) I know that living a healthy lifestyle definitely helps the immune system….A LOT!!!
I’ve had the worst immune system on the planet my entire life. I’m not kidding. If a sick person comes within 100 feet of me, I get it! I’ve always felt like it was just my “curse”.
However (and that’s a BIG however), I’ve tried really hard this past year to shape up my diet and exercise regularly and I don’t think I’ve gotten sick AT ALL…until now! I can’t remember the last time I was sick! It’s very exciting to me to think I may actually be able to enjoy a healthy immune system! Yay!
However (another BIG however), I must mention that I KNOW why I am sick right now. I’ve told you in recent posts that I’ve been a slacker sleeper….well I’m payin’ for it now! I know it’s a direct effect from my lack of sleep! So, I’m learning my lesson (I hope!) I’m glad I can be such a good example of being a bad example for all of you!
Moving on…
Sooooo, I ate really well today (so far), but I kept it really simple.
I had this for breakfast…..
A whole wheat bagel thin topped with a little peanut butter, banana, a touch of honey and unsweetened coconut! Yum!
This was seriously so good! I know I won’t have it for breakfast too often because I have a little “carb addiction” and I think this may make me crave carbs too much, but it’s not too bad! In fact, it kind of tasted like a treat! I estimate it was around 275-300 calories. Perfect for breakfast. Oh, and it kept me full for a while.
For lunch, I had a whole mishmash of things.
My fav hummus with homemade pita chips, deli turkey breast, red pepper strips and cottage cheese!
I dipped everything in everything and it was awesome. I made the pita chips out of some Kangaroo Whole Wheat pitas that are awesome. If you want to know how to make them click here. Sabra is my favorite hummus and Roasted Pine Nut is my fav flavor. It’s so good!!!!
I’ve been snacking on kettle corn a little today and sippin’ some Emergen-C in hopes of a speedy recovery!
Well, I’m headin’ to the gym right now. I know I’m crazy, but sometimes “sweatin’ it out” at the gym makes me feel better. I’m determined to kick this cold ASAP! I’m going to get my sleep too! Yay!
Oh and FYI, I’m gonna drink a quick protein shake on the way to the gym and I have tacos (taco salad for me!) planned for dinner when I get home! Yum!
I love you all and hope you are well!