Happy, happy Monday!
I’ve been LOVING summer so far! I’ve enjoyed sleeping in and vegging a bit. It’s been nice. It’s also been SO NICE to not have to worry about the kid’s homework and things. LOVE that!
We’ve also had the most beautiful, perfect summer weather lately. It’s been mostly in the 80’s, with a few days in the low 90’s. It’s supposed to be kind of cool the next couple days, so I decided to take the kiddos to the park today.
They all had a ball! I was happy to see my big kids enjoying themselves too. They are cutie patooties.
I also discovered I can barely cross my legs today…
Ya, it was a depressing discovery. I sat down on the bench to watch the kids play and my leg just didn’t cross like it normally does! AND, it almost couldn’t stay crossed!!!??!??*&%#!
Crazy! I don’t know if it’s because my legs have gotten giant or because my belly is in the way…or both! Sigh.
Oh, and FYI, I have felt SO HUGE lately. It is so not fun. I’m soooooo excited for our little baby to join us, but MAN, I just really, I MEAN REALLY, do not love being pregnant.
It’s very tough to watch my body and face continue to expand and my clothes (maternity clothes!) get tighter and tighter. I also have a hard time getting up from a sitting position or from laying down and it’s tough to just move around in general!
It’s almost funny….almost.
It’s amazing to me how much the body changes during pregnancy! It’s especially hard because my mind still wants to accomplish all that I used to accomplish!
I also want to mention that I’ve really been struggling to be mega healthy the past couple weeks. I’ve still been exercising 3-4 times a week and have been eating a lot of healthy food, BUT I’ve been justifying WAY too many indulgences.
It hasn’t been pretty. As you all know, healthy living is tough and takes a lot of commitment, but healthy living while pregnant is extra, super duper tough and takes LOADS and LOADS of commitment.
I’ve just been so darn tired and I feel just like a slug. I’m really trying hard to not let that “slug” take over my life though. I’ve definitely cut myself some slack, but I’m still trying to maintain some semblance of order.
Sooooo, since I’ve been feeling extra huge lately (the whole “leg crossing problem” didn’t help), I gave myself a big pep talk.
I told myself…..
“Yes, I feel so sluggish and tired!”
“Yes, I feel like a giant blimp.”
“Yes, my motivation is seriously lacking.”
“Yes, I can’t ever imagine wearing cute clothes….ever again!”
“Yes, I still have two months of expanding to go!”
“Yes, I am NOT a victim.”
“Yes, I still have some control over my expanding body.
“Yes, I am 100% in charge of what I eat, what time I go to bed and how active I am!”
Sooooo, I thoroughly kicked myself in my bum and decided to shape up big time.
I’m going to make a HUGE effort to keep the diet squeaky clean and make sure to get my sleep! I may allow myself one indulgence on the weekend, but that will be it.
I’m just going to continue with what I’ve been doing for exercise lately though (going to the gym 2-3 times a week and staying active the other days) because it seems realistic for my life right now.
I actually took Kev to my “mega crazy hard class” at the gym on Saturday. I’ve been trying to get him to come to that class with me FOREVER! He loved it and it made us both SO sore. Yay!
We stopped at Costco on the way home and I snapped this “cute” pic…
Oh, and here’s our cart for your viewing pleasure…
So exciting.
I also went to the gym several nights ago sporting this sexy getup…
Wow. That’s all I have to say ’bout that.
Yes, I don’t feel cute at the gym….at all, but I just try to “Get in, get out, and nobody gets hurt.” LOL.
AND, this is what the diet looked like today….
I made myself a veggie/egg scramble for breakfast. I didn’t take a pic, but it pretty much looked like this (minus the guac)…
I scrambled 1 egg + 3 egg whites with peppers, onions, spinach, olives and turkey and topped it with tomatoes and a little natural ketchup.
Later on, I had this for a snack…
A nectarine and berries topped with lite cottage cheese. This was heavenly! I think I’ll be having it every day this week.
I pulled out some leftover Cheesy Vegetable soup from the freezer for lunch…
This tasted awesome! I really love freezing things. It makes meals/snacks so much simpler.
I was really craving sugar this afternoon, so I made this for a snack…
A slice of Dave’s Power Seed bread topped with a little natural peanut butter, banana slices, a drizzle of agave and chia seeds.
LOVED this!
AND, this is what I made for dinner…
Grilled chicken (using my favorite marinade), salad topped with Tzatziki and a bowl of fruit (watermelon and berries.)
Here’s what the spread looked like…
This is one of our favorite dinners and it is so summery!!
That’s it. I’m going to keep the healthy eating going. I know I just need to plan ahead and stay focused and committed. I LOVE healthy food so much, it’s just that crappy food is so easy to eat and quick to satisfy.
I WILL stay in control though. I’m hoping it will help my body to deflate just a little bit. I’m A-OK with the expanding belly, but the expanding bum, legs, arms and face….not so much.
I hope you all had a happy Father’s Day! I’m SOOOOO grateful for my cute daddy and for my wonderful husband. I am a very lucky girl.
I made Kev breakfast in bed Sunday morning. He is the “omelet king” and makes the best and most beautiful omelets ever. Sooo, I decided to “try” to make him one.
It turned out yummy, but just not so pretty…
I had to flip it in pieces because I’m “omelet challenged.”
Afterward, we went to church and then Kev took a big “Father’s Day nap.” Later on, we gave him a bunch of presents….snacks and clothes mostly. I also got him tickets to the Def Leppard concert next week. Woo hoo!
Def Leppard was one of Kev’s all-time favorite bands in high school. I like them too, so it will be fun!
We also went up to visit my parents last night. We had a yummy Hawaiian Haystack dinner…
And had fun hanging out with family (I got Kev that Red Sox t-shirt he’s wearing)…
Sadly, I didn’t even take a picture of my dad though! Lame. Here’s a picture from a couple years ago though.
He’s a cutie pie.
Oh, and my mom asked me to bring dessert! We had around 35 people up there, so I made a bunch of things…
Oh, and my bro-in-law purposely stuck his finger in a cupcake just as I took this picture. LOL.
I made Red Velvet cupcakes with Cream Cheese frosting and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies because they are Kev’s favorites! I also made Caramel Brownies because they are dang awesome!
I also took my 31 Week pregnant picture too…
I realized I never posted my 30 week pregnant picture either, so here it is….
Well, that’s all folks! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for the $25 SUBWAY gift card and the $50 Fandango gift card! It ends tomorrow at noon (MST)!