Well, this morning I went on a very lame run.
Yes, I’m sorry for the sad report. I wish I could say all my runs were awesome and that every time I exercised I was full of energy and loved every minute.
Sadly, that’s not the case. For whatever reason, I felt terrible today! I was going to run 5 miles, but ended up cutting it short and only going 3. I just felt……spent.
Ya know, quite often I don’t feel like running. But, usually after about a 1/2 mile or so I feel good and love it. I kept waiting for that “feel good/love it” part to happen today…..but it never did.
Part of my problem could have been that I was pushing my double jogger. I usually wait to go on my run until my big kids get home from school, but the weather was forecast to be rainy/snowy later in the day. I thought I better go while I still could! So, I bundled up my little kiddos and loaded them in the jogger.
My almost 4 year old was giving me grief because he didn’t want his picture taken.
My sweet little puppy dog, Jimmer wanted to come along too! I let him ride in the basket when we go on walks, but not runs! He was very sad to be left behind. 🙁
I really really don’t love pushing a jogging stroller. I’m very grateful to have one (gives me more options), but it is a royal pain. It is very heavy and it seems like such a process to get the kids ready to go. However, they love it. My baby always points to the jogger in the garage and says “ride, ride!” Very cute. They also push ME quite a bit as well. If I ever start to slow down, my older son says “Go faster mom!” Awesome.
Oh, side note….I couldn’t find my running gloves, so I rummaged though our “random winter stuff” box and found these gems…
Awesome. I was so stylin’. 😉
So, I am very sad that my run was very lame. I think I’m just worn out. I gotta cut myself some slack, I think. Also, my 13 year old and Kev have both been a little sick and draggin’ the past couple of days. Maybe I have whatever the heck they have.
Obviously, I am very bummed by how crappy I felt. I’m sure my next run will be better.
When I got home, I had a yummy chocolate protein shake. It’s my “go to” shake whenever I want the protein, but not extra calories. It doesn’t have a lot of extras (no fruit, cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc.) I still keep the flaxseed in it though. Here’s what’s in it:
1 C. Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
1 T. ground flax seed
1 T. cocoa
a couple drops almond extract
2 big handfuls baby spinach
6-7 ice cubes.
I paired it with some “Food Should Taste Good” chips (love them!) dipped in Wholly Guacamole and Tzatziki. YUM!
My almost 4 year old wanted me to make him “his own” protein shake. He requested a Chocolate Candy Cane one.
Well I hope you are all happy and a whole lot less crappy than me!!! On a brighter note, we made some very tasty fajitas last night. I will post pics and things tomorrow!! G’night. xoxo
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