Well hey my friends!
Ya know, I started blogging back in 2011, eight and a half years ago!!! I can’t believe it!
I’ve learned a lot over the years, but I still feel like I don’t know what in the heck I’m doing most of the time. I just learn as I go!
I’m a one-woman show!
Sooooo, when I first started blogging, I built most of my website by myself. I figured out a lot of the HTML and CSS and spent soooooo many hours learning how to do stuff!
I created my content, experimented with recipes, figured out how to take decent pictures, how to use WordPress, how to use ads, how to work with companies, how to make a Facebook Page, how to use Twitter, how to use Instagram, how to use Pinterest and so many more things.
I still don’t know how to do any of these things very well, but I just do it anyway! LOL.
It’s a big job! BUT, I love health and fitness and I love people…..so I just keep on pluggin’ along cuz I love it.
Over the years I haven’t really paid a lot of attention to Pinterest. I just haven’t had time to do “all the things,” so I’ve let Pinterest slide. BUT, I’ve always gotten a lot of traffic to my site from Pinterest even though I’ve hardly touched it in over five years.
Sooooo, I think it’s time for me to really figure out how to use it and see what I can do!
Over the years I’ve had a few random recipes and posts from my site go crazy on Pinterest. I always think it’s interesting to see which posts/recipes become popular.
For example, recently a recipe that I posted over SIX years ago has gone crazy. It’s for my mother-in-law’s pancake recipe! Ha ha!
Now, this really is an awesome recipe. It’s not particularly healthy, but it really is the BEST pancake recipe I’ve ever tried. Kev’s mom is an incredible cook and domestic lady, so whatever she makes is gold. This recipe is GOLD.
But, I still think it’s hilarious that it’s been so popular lately. It really has been blowing up my site. Ha ha.
Here are a few other recipes/posts of mine that have gotten a lot of attention on Pinterest over the years….
These two recipes for zucchini noodles and healthy yogurt vegetable dip have been quite popular on Pinterest for me. Random.
This “Tight Arms” workout has also been a very popular one on Pinterest!
If you go to the post about this workout, I also shared a video demonstrating all the moves. This workout is great and these are still some of my very favorite upper body moves.
I consistently get hits about my experience with Whole 30!
I gotta say that I was so glad I did Whole 30, I lost 9 pounds and learned a lot. BUT, I’m not a fan of the Whole 30 concept and community. Blah. If you’d like to know more about why I don’t love Whole 30, you can read this post if you care to!
This Chocolate Mug Cake recipe is another hugely popular recipe of mine on Pinterest. This is a really yummy recipe folks! Sadly, I don’t make it a lot. I think I just forget about it! But, I think I need to make it again soon.
I love this mug cake because it’s quick and easy to make, full of decent ingredients and it actually tastes GOOD! It’s the perfect thing to satisfy that sweet tooth without sabotaging your healthy goals!
Another funny recipe that seems to keep getting hits on Pinterest is one of the very first recipes I ever posted! It’s for a “Miracle Brownie” recipe that I found on a random forum years ago. I don’t even have a pretty picture to share, but here’s the best one I got…..
These brownies are actually pretty good, but the recipe is kinda weird. I actually had to “powder” my own sweetener since this was before the days when you could find a healthy “powdered sugar.”
Nowadays, I prefer Swerve sweetener and they make it in granular, confectioners or brown varieties.

In fact, I can’t believe how many healthy ingredients are available today! When I first started my blog, I really had to hunt for healthy ingredients or I had to get creative and come up with my own ideas! Now, there are so many healthy ingredients and food choices EVERYWHERE! It’s so awesome!
Even Walmart is pretty freaking awesome at carrying so many great healthy alternatives and items. Love it.
Well, there ya go. Those are some funny recipes and posts that have been popular on Pinterest for some reason. 🙂 I realize that Pinterest is a great way to increase blog traffic and exposure so I’m going to take some time and figure out how in the heck to use it! Ha!
I hope you all are doing well and I hope you have a fantastic night! xoxo

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