Well life is slowly, but surely calming down and I couldn’t be happier about it. I’m starting to actually chip away at my giant to-do list. Woo hoo! I love getting my life in order and I absolutely LOVE cleaning, organizing and de-junking. It is exhilarating to me! Yes, I’m weird.
I also started my new “healthy plan” that I talked about in my last post. Can I just say that it feels so dang awesome to be disciplined and on track again!! Yes, I definitely miss my crappy food indulgences, but seriously, it is so much more rewarding to feed myself full of good, clean, real food!
Over the years I’ve had to keep reminding myself that although I enjoy and love my favorite crappy foods, it’s actually a very short lived “reward,” with very big consequences. It takes, what??….a few minutes to polish off a few cookies, a cupcake or a couple donuts? It takes 10ish minutes to eat a fast food meal or crappy (i.e. tasty!) restaurant meal. However, the negative effects from those choices last a whole heckuva lot longer!
AAAAND since those crappy foods/treats love to call my name and take over my life from time to time, I often find myself needing to refocus, regroup, find my motivation again, cut the crap out and set myself up with an “official” healthy plan! Goals, plans, challenges, etc. always motivate me and help me to get back on track!
Soooo, it’s now been a week since I started my “healthy plan.” I feel great and can already tell a difference in how my body feels and functions. I love it. Here are the “rules” I set up for myself…
- My healthy plan started on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. It is going to end on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 24, 2016.
- Although it would be nice to never have an end date and just live like this forever, I know that is not realistic for me! I do try to live a healthy lifestyle all the time, but when I need to kick things up a notch or when I need to set some extra healthy goals…I like to set an end date. It helps me to “stick to it” and keeps me focused and motivated.
- I’m going to try to workout every day except for Sunday (my rest day.) The reason I say “try” is that I know there are just some days that it just won’t happen for me! I really love working out and I freaking love my gym, so I DO try to workout Monday-Saturday. It’s actually fun to me. Soooo, I know if I have to skip a day then it’s usually for a legit reason.
- Each week I look at my calendar and figure out when I can fit my workouts in….then I do my best to make sure they happen! Seriously, I can get a little stubborn when it comes to my workouts. I’ve learned that if I don’t stick to my guns and put my workout as a top priority….it just won’t happen.
- I’m going to stay away from all of my favorite sugary things! Notice I did not say “try.” I am just not going to eat them and that is that! I am not tempted by all sugary things. Candy, fruity desserts (cobblers, pies, etc.), ice cream and soda don’t tempt me at all, but cookies, cupcakes, homemade chocolaty baked goods and donuts have my heart. Ha ha. Soooo, for now I’m going to keep them out of my life!
- Note: Some people think I’m crazy when I cut treats out of my life for long periods of time. I just know that my favorite sugary things can derail my best healthy plans in no time. Soooo, when I really get serious, I just cut them out completely. If you are someone who can just have a little bit and still stay on track, I think that’s great! I don’t think everyone needs to go cold turkey like me! However, if you know you have something that you feel addicted to that impedes your healthy goals, I’d suggest cutting it out of your life completely for a while. Whenever I do that, it really helps to teach me self discipline, self mastery, moderation and helps me to reach my goals. Wahoo!
- Another note: I am going to allow myself to have some of my “healthy treats” from time to time. I made a batch of my favorite protein balls and I’ve had a few of them. I am very careful not to overindulge on them (they are certainly not a free food!), but it’s nice to have a healthy option when I want something sweet.
- I’m going to severely limit crappy things like chips, fries, fried foods, fast foods, white bread and all that crap. I say “severely limit” because I may snag a chip or fry from time to time, but it will definitely not be an every day kind of thing. I know these foods do not do my body and health any favors, however I don’t feel addicted to them at all so the occasional few fries or chips can help me keep my sanity without causing me to completely cave.
- I think it’s really important to identify the “trigger foods” in our lives; the ones that cause us to fall off the wagon and just want more! I also think it’s important and healthy to indulge just a little bit on non-trigger foods sometimes because it helps to not feel severely deprived and it helps to keep us motivated for the long haul. Just my thoughts….
- I’m going to eat a lot of protein! I’m going to strive to get 140-150 grams of protein a day. I’m trying to build a little muscle, tone up, lean out and lose weight! I know it is vital to get enough protein in if I want to reach my goals, especially because I’m working out very hard and lifting weights almost every day!
Okay, that about sums it up. Ya know, my “healthy plan” isn’t a whole lot different from how I strive to eat and live most of the time, but it’s amazing how quickly those crappy food indulgences and missed workouts add up! When I actually identify specific goals for myself and challenge myself, I’m much more aware of the foods I’m putting in my body and I make a much more conscious effort to stick to my guns! AND that, my friends, yields results.
I also thought I’d share some tips that help to keep me motivated and help me to be successful….
- Take some before pictures and take measurements!
- I would highly recommend taking before pictures in something that can easily show progress (swimsuit, exercise clothing, etc.)
- It also helps to display before pictures someplace that will help to remind you of your goals (on a mirror, the fridge, on a bedside table, on your phone, etc.)
- Note: I’ve always been grateful when I take before pictures…even if I crash and burn with my goals. I like to go back and look at some of my before pictures over the years and it’s fun to see the progress…even if it takes years to see that progress!
- Go through your pantry, cupboards, fridge, etc. and get rid of/hide all of the things that will tempt you to stray from your goals (yes, that bag of chocolate chips can be a huge problem for me!)
- Go shopping and stock up on a lot of good foods that you CAN eat!
- It’s vital to have healthy things that you can grab and eat quickly when you’re hungry or when cravings hit
- pre-cut veggies (add to eggs, stir fry, salads or just enjoy by themselves!)
- fresh fruit
- frozen protein pancakes (pop in the toaster)
- rotisserie chicken (or other prepared chicken, turkey, fish, etc.)
- cottage cheese (mix with fruit or whatever else you like)
- ingredients for protein shakes/green smoothies
- hard boiled eggs
- egg white muffins
- Make a pot of brown rice or quinoa that you can add to salads, stir-fry, eggs, etc.
- Cook up some sweet potatoes or make them into sweet potato fries/chips.
- I always make extra for dinner so I can eat the leftovers for lunch/snacks the next day.
- Anything else you can think of that will make healthy eating easier!
- It’s vital to have healthy things that you can grab and eat quickly when you’re hungry or when cravings hit
- Keep track of the food you eat
- This may sound tedious, but it really does help! I love to use My Fitness Pal (there are several other great apps out there as well!) When I track my food intake, I always eat better and eat less. I always see results when I’m diligent at keeping track of my food!
- Keep track of your progress in a notebook or an app
- This may also sound tedious, but when I’m really serious about reaching a goal, I like to keep track of my progress and record my thoughts along the way. I like to buy a cheap calendar from Walmart and write down how I did with eating, exercise and sleeping each day. I also keep track of my weight loss too. I’ve used a few apps to track my progress too, but I haven’t found any that I really love. There’s also something about using actual pen and paper that is extra motivating to me!
- Hold yourself accountable!
- Find a friend or several friends to do your healthy challenge with you!
- Share your goals/progress on social media (that is the reason I started my blog in the first place…to keep myself motivated and accountable!!)
- Identify a reward for yourself (massage, clothing item, pedicure, etc.) when you reach your goal(s).
Okay, that is all I can come up with for now! Man, this post is really “wordy!” I will share some random pictures with y’all to break up the words a bit….
Some of my friends gave me all of this produce from their garden!!!
Zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, cukes, peaches and spaghetti squash (buried under there!) I was so grateful because right now the only thing we’re harvesting in our garden is a bunch of weeds. Ha ha!
I’m always amazed by how dang good fresh garden tomatoes taste!! Love them.
I’ve been on an oatmeal kick lately! I’ve been making it for the fam for breakfast and I’ve been loving it sometimes before my workouts! I know that sounds weird, but it seems to fuel me and gives me energy throughout my workouts!
Here I am with my pre-workout oatmeal!
I also bought this giant bag of steel cut oats at Costco recently and we’ve been loving it!
I like steel cut oats and I like regular oats…I trade off between the two all the time. I love that steel cut oats are more chewy and thick, but I love that regular oats are quick to make! I like to mix protein powder, ground flax seed and peanut butter or PB2 into my oatmeal. I also sometimes add a little Walden Farms chocolate or caramel syrup too. Love them!
I sometimes add apples or raisins to my oatmeal before I cook it too. Yum! Oh and I usually add a side of scrambled egg whites topped with a little natural ketchup to up the protein!
I’m sure I’ll get sick of oatmeal in a week or two, but for now I’m loving it! I especially love it because it’s so satisfying, filling and comfort food-y!
I took a couple sweaty selfies after some of my workouts. I thought I’d share. There ya go…
So cute. Ha ha. I got some new exercise clothing items that I’ve been loving! I got both of those tank tops recently and they’ve been great. When I get a chance, I’ll take some “real” pictures of my new things and share them!
Once I started going to my gym almost every single day I quickly realized that I needed some new things!!!
I also got some new protein powder. Yahoo!
I’ve really been loving PEScience protein lately and I was so excited to try these new flavors! Frosted Chocolate Cupcake and White Chocolate Mint!!! YUM. Since I’m not having my favorite sugary treats right now, I’ll enjoy creating yummy random things with these!
Okay, I think I’m going to wrap this up for now. I will keep y’all posted on my progress! I WILL NOT quit. I’m feeling very stubborn and determined and I’m happy ’bout that.
I love you all! xoxo
Karen @ Fit in France says
If we lived near each other we would so be best fitness and foodie friends. I could have written this post !
I am currently doing a 6 week carb cycling program which associates the amount of carbs you eat with the exercise you do that day… and I am mid way through week 5 of a 6 week program. I am loving it and have seen so many results. I will post about it in a couple weeks !
Glad to hear things are well, you sounds very positive.
Melanie says
I CAN NOT wait to hear all about your carb cycling program. That sounds like a good one! I love following official programs; they are so motivating to me! I’m so happy for you that you’re seeing some great results.
I think I need to move to Paris now so we can be fit friends! That would be so fun!
Beth Markley says
Yesterday I went to a meeting where I knew they would have a big bowl of fruit, like they always do, which is good. However, they also had a big plate of chocolate chunk cookies that were as big as my face. I wasn’t even hungry but I took one “for later,” and then ate the whole thing right there. I just can’t have stuff like that around.
I haven’t been doing the weight watcher thing for a while, but the tracking app they have is my favorite. It syncs with my fit bit. Tracking my meals is the only way I can loose weight. I consistently underestimate what I’m taking in otherwise.
Stay strong!
Melanie says
Ha ha, I seriously can’t have it around either! It is just too tempting! However, with all the kids kickin’ around here, treats always seem to show up. Gah!
That is so dang cool that the Weight Watcher app syncs with your Fit Bit! I want to look into that. I’m definitely more motivated and stay on track with when I keep track of things!!
GiGi Eats Celebrities says
I am the protein queen! I eat about 2 pounds of animal protein every single day! 😮 And then on top of that, everything (veggies – the other things I eat) else has a little bit of protein in them, so I am getting massive amounts every single day and I have to say, IT KICKS ASS! You stay full for SO SO SO LONG – I actually only eat 2x a day because I am always so full from protein. That being said, my body is a clock for sure, and the second it hits 7pm, GIMMIE DINNNEEEERRRR! hahaha!
PS: I am going to fly you out to LA when it’s time for me to move out of my apartment and in with my fiance – so you can help me DEJUNK and organize!!!!!! The thought terrifies me! lol
Melanie says
WOW, 2 pounds is amazing!!! I’m sure that would keep you full all day long!
I would be MORE than happy to come visit you in LA and help you organize and dejunk! Ha ha! That would be a blast!
BackatSquare0 (@BackAtSquare0) says
I too need start and end dates to keep me on track.
Melanie says
There’s something about setting an “official” time frame that really motivates me. If I specifically don’t set an end date, I slowly lose steam.
Susan says
You’ve got this! I have found I’m doing a lot better with getting in some sort of workout 6 days a week by not planning them. Hear me out – I always “Try” to get to the gym at 5 am. There are some days,though, that my allergies are out of control. Instead of having a miserable experience, I just say “Okay, I’ll go at lunch!” and do it. It’s made it much easier for me. Also, my boyfriend and I are going on at least 3 mile hikes once a week. It shakes things up! 🙂
Melanie says
I’m so impressed you try to go to the gym at 5 AM every day!! That’s amazing! I sometimes have to put off my workouts too, but I do try to fit them in somewhere else in the day! I love that you and your boyfriend do hikes so often. I would love that! I hope everything is going well for you!!!!