Well hello my darling friends. <3
I gotta say that I’ve been feeling a little bit blah and run down the past few days. Sniff, sniff. I also gotta say that I know exactly why I’ve been feeling so blah….I have been skimping on my sleep! Augh.
You guys! I have struggled to consistently get decent sleep my whole dang life. I think there’s just somethin’ missing in my brain that allows me to shut my brain off and GO TO BED! I also think I may be one of those people who needs a little more sleep than average (I really need 8+ hours and that’s just so hard for me to get!)
Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa. I know, cry me a river.
I also gotta say that I love tough workouts! I love to push myself and workout hard! It’s exhilarating to me! However, I’m sure my body needs even more sleep to recover from my workouts. So, there’s another dilemma.
I’m a walking paradox. I love to run, run, run and do, do do! I love to workout hard, I’m always pulled in a million different directions, I have a zillion kids and when nighttime comes….I love to enjoy the peace and quiet….and stay awake!
I also gotta say that I’ve always had a lot of energy and have always been a super motivated, happy person. I’m grateful for my energy and motivation, but I think there are some drawbacks as well. Like learning how calm my brain, call it a night and get my bee-hind in bed!
The struggle is real. I’m sure all you uber disciplined morning people are like, “Girl, get a grip and make your sleep a priority!” I know, I know. I tell myself that all the time.
Anyway, I’m whining and complaining to y’all today because I just want to remind everyone that sleep matters! In fact, I’m learning that when I skimp on sleep it’s only a matter of time before I start slackin’ on the entire healthy living game! I start craving ALL the crappy food and exercise sounds so daunting.
Sleep really is the KEY to my success with healthy living! In fact, sleep has a huge impact on my mental health as well. I’m so much happier and life is so much easier when I am well rested!
Okay, I’ll be quiet now. I just thought I would share my woes in case any of y’all can relate and need a kick in the pants too!
Well a couple posts ago I shared some killer strength training/HIIT workouts. I gotta say that I did those workouts on Friday and Saturday and they kicked my butt!
Circuit training and HIIT are my favorite ways to workout! They’re just so effective; I can pack so much in in such a short amount of time. I love it! I also love that I’m constantly changing things up throughout the workout. I finish a set and then move on to something different. I love it and it definitely keeps things interesting.
I could hardly walk for three days after my lower body workout. Success! Ha ha. I love going to my classes at the gym, but I also love putting in my headphones, checking out from the world and doing my own thang sometimes too!
Well, I thought I would update you guys on my New Year’s Goals. I didn’t set “official” New Year’s Resolutions; instead I identified some areas I want to focus on throughout the whole year.
- Eating less
- Eating well (good clean food and less junk!)
- Getting my sleep!
I really believe these three things are the most important drivers of healthy living. If I can do well in these three areas, every other area in my life improves as well; exercise, mental health, happiness, my marriage, my mothering skills, spiritual life…you name it!
Anyway, so ya’ll know how I’ve been doing with my sleep! Gah! I gotta say though, I’ve been doing well with eating well and eating less! However, I can feel my motivation waning the past few days as I’ve been seriously tired and draggin’!
I have definitely found that when I consistently pay attention to what I’m eating and how much I’m eating…..I just feel good! I start to feel thinner, I have more energy and I sleep like a baby.
Since I started my goals at the beginning of the year, I’ve had a day or two when I’ve slacked a bit…..and I’ve definitely noticed!
If I eat more than just a little sugar, I feel sick. If I overeat, I feel blah. I’ve learned that if I just listen to my body, it will let me know what I need and what is best for me! Easier said than done, but that’s what I keep trying to do! It’s tough, but I just keep reminding myself to recommit every day!
I’ve told you guys many times that when I get “really serious,” I usually cut out added sugar altogether. I always love how I feel and I always see good results. Well, the past few weeks I’ve been doing an experiment. I’ve been allowing myself little tastes of sweet things here and there to see how I do.
I’ve mostly had a few chocolate chips here and there, some chocolate drizzled nuts or chocolate drizzled popcorn.
I actually think these are decently healthy treats and they definitely help to satisfy the sweet tooth, however, I’m learning that they may be holding me back too!
I’ve just found myself snitching more treats here and there (these “healthier” treats, but also a taste of a cookie, some candy, a small piece of a brownie, etc.) and I really think it’s holding me back from reaching my goals. I never eat very large quantities, but I am just eating it more often than I should!
I learned long ago that treats are EVERYWHERE! I’m happy to say that I have a much better relationship with sugar than I used to have, but for some reason when I start having a little sugar, I just want more! It makes it harder for me to stay away from it. It makes it super easy for me to justify a small bite here and a little taste there.
So, with that being said, I KNOW that FOR ME, if I want to lose weight, I just have to cut out sugar entirely. Sad, but true. I think the way I’ve been enjoying sugar the past few weeks is actually a healthy balance and is perfect for a “maintenance” healthy lifestyle, but it just doesn’t work if weight loss is the goal.
Dang it.
I think I actually already knew this, but I was just experimenting in hopes that I could have my cake and eat it too (pardon the pun!) I was just hoping I could have a few yummy tastes of things here and there and still lose some weight. I actually think it’s possible, but I also think it’s the “slow boat to China” way to lose weight!
I gotta tell y’all, if weight loss is your goal, just be 100% ALL IN and get it done! There is nothing more frustrating than working your butt off and getting nowhere.
Sugary things (I would also add things like salty, fatty, fast food-y things for all of you non-sugar lovers out there!) pack a huge caloric punch, they increase your appetite and just make it harder to eat well and eat in a caloric deficit, which is vital for weight loss. I will also add that alcohol can be a killer of weight loss as well. I’m not an alcohol drinker, but I know those calories add up quickly and can keep you from reaching your goals as well!
So, with that being said, I’m cutting out sugar for a while. My birthday is in just over 3 weeks and I’m sure I’ll have a little somethin’, somethin’ then, but I’m going to steer clear of it until then! I’m also going to get right back ON after my birthday and stay away from it for a while too!
I’ve been criticized a little bit here and there over the years for cutting out sugar entirely at times, but I just gotta say that I KNOW ME! I know what works for me and I know what holds me back. I also gotta say that by cutting sugar out for long stretches at a time, I’ve developed a lot healthier relationship with it overall. It’s been good for me!
I know that a huge part of having success with healthy living is finding out what works for YOU! Each of us have different temptations and different things we struggle with. We just gotta keep working, keep learning and keep trying.
I obviously struggle with sleep and sugar. Augh. I gotta say though, if I get my sleep, it’s much easier for me to stay away from sugar! Also, when I cut out the sugar, I sleep like a baby and consequently have much more energy and motivation. They definitely go hand in hand.
For me, healthy living is just about constantly finding that balance. I’m always falling short in some area of my life (or several areas) and I’m fine with that. I try to pat myself on the back for all the things I’m doing well and then kick myself (gently and kindly, ha ha) in the butt for the things that I need to improve on!
I’ve also learned to let so many things go! There are so many things that we may feel guilty about or areas we may feel we’re falling short in. It’s SO IMPORTANT to identify the things that really matter (like sleep for me!) and then let all the things that don’t really matter go!!!
Right now in my life, I’m so darn maxed. I’ve had to let so many things slide. It makes me sad and can drive me crazy if I let it, but I just let it go! I just remind myself of all the good things I’m doing and remind myself that I am only ONE person and not a miracle worker.
I’m just doing my best and that is just fine!
For example, my house is messier than I’d like. I’d also love to do things like organize and archive pictures, organize and preserve all the cute things the kids bring home from school, write in my journal and help with the PTA. I just can’t do these things right now.
I also have areas in my life that I know are important (scripture study, sincere prayer, down time, date night, quality time with my kids), but I struggle. Sometimes I’ll do great for a while and then I just won’t. I know these areas are so important, so I never give up. I’m always trying, but I also don’t allow myself to feel guilty if I’m not perfect at them all the time.
Again, I am ONE person trying to do ALL the things!
In fact, I don’t think there is a single area of my life that I’m rockin’ at all the time! I actually find joy in the journey and love the whole “self improvement” thing, so I embrace the challenge.
So, with that being said, I gotta go to sleep! Ha! This post has been kinda wordy (sorry ’bout that), but I just want to remind y’all that you are doing great. Don’t be hard on yourself. Just keep trying and don’t give up. Love and accept yourself always.
In fact, I’m reminded of a quote by one of my church leaders that I love. He was talking specifically about mothers, but I think it pertains to all of us!
I love you all! I hope you have a good night! ‘Night! xoxo
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