Hey friends! Holy moly, I’ve had a lot going on this week! First off, I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July! We had a fun one. For some reason, our city held most of the 4th of July festivities on Saturday???!? Weird. We kept up our very strange tradition of getting McDonalds food (don’t judge :-)) and heading over to a little strip of grass next to Taco Bell to view the fireworks. In the past we’ve gotten Taco Bell food, but we decided to do McDonalds this year because we’re fancy like that. 🙂 We’ve watched fireworks from this spot Continue Reading…
Crazy Life, a Fun Birthday + Getting Back to Work!
Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. My life has been so insane the past few weeks and it’s getting very old! The best word to describe me right now would be weary. My typical day-to-day life is pretty darn hectic, so it doesn’t take much to put me over the edge. The past few weeks I’ve had too many things on my plate and not enough time to get ’em done. Kev (a.k.a. my sanity) was also out of town for a few nights and my sweet baby was sick for several days. It’s been rough. I Continue Reading…
Deep Thoughts and Taking it up a HUGE Notch!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! We had a great one, but before I tell y’all about it, I have some deep thoughts to share with you guys. I know…..brace yourselves. 🙂 Mmmkay…so as y’all know I’ve been doing my little 100 days without sugar (treats) for about 75 days now. I’ve also been sorta kinda following Body for Life as well (I’ve been following the workouts perfectly, but have been slackin’ on the diet.) Anyway, I’ve loved both of these challenges A LOT! Whenever I follow a healthy, regimented program for an extended period of time, I Continue Reading…
Deep Thoughts about Weight Loss and Healthy Living
I try to eat well as often as I can. I’ve also been trying to lose 10 pounds for about a year now. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I’ve gained and lost the same 5-7 pounds about 10 times! It’s so frustrating and I’m sure a lot of you out there can relate! Sooooo, I’ve been doin’ some “deep thinkin’ and I’ve decided my day-to-day “healthy living” has some serious flaws that keep me from losing these last 10 pounds. Here are some of my “deep thoughts”…. I am a “rule follower” type person. If I know Continue Reading…
Getting My Groove Back!
I had a rough, rough week last week! Man. I don’t know what my problem was. Let me back up for a sec…I loved my 7 day weight loss cleanse that I did a couple weeks ago. I felt great and will most definitely do it again. I’m working on getting all of the logistics of the cleanse organized so I can share it with all of you. I will try to get it posted this week if I can. 😉 Anyway, my cleanse ended last Sunday. So, on Monday I decided to have a small “free” day. I went Continue Reading…
I’m Officially Online Again!
Holy Cow…. IT IS ABOUT TIME!! I am officially online again. Hallelujah! First off, I must say I have missed you all!! Over the past 2 months, I’ve discovered so many fun recipes, enjoyed plenty of killer workouts and had a million deep “healthy” thoughts to share….but I’ve had no one to share them with! 🙁 🙁 🙁 Except Kev, of course. And, I think he’s ready for me to have another place to express my healthy thoughts, ya know? So with that being said, I’m so happy to launch my new website. It is officially up. www.happybeinghealthy.com Yay! ************************* Continue Reading…