Well I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and a wonderful Mother’s Day! I had a beautiful, yet busy Mother’s Day. In the morning, I went to church with my little family and then afterward I zoomed up to my mom’s house to go to church with her. My siblings (the four of us who live in Utah) decided to surprise my mom and go to church with her, however plans changed and I ended up going to visit my dad with my mom and my brother instead. My poor little dad has had a rough few days. He has Alzheimer’s Continue Reading…
Crazy Life, a Girl’s Trip to Vegas + Running!
Well folks, holy crap I’ve been neglecting my blog! Auuuughh! I’ve been a very busy lady! I feel like I’ve been living the “Groundhog Day movie life” the past several Saturdays. If you haven’t seen that movie….Bill Murray stars in it and he has to relive the same day over and over again! The past several Saturdays, I start my morning off with a short run, then head off to one of my daughter’s dance competitions (she’s has 3 in the past month.) When I get home, I head out on another run to get all my miles in! It’s kind of Continue Reading…
An Unorthodox Run + Some Healthy Meal Ideas
Guys….running is hard. Just sayin’. I love it though. I’ve missed it and I’m so happy to be back at it! I must say that Spring running is my fave. I love running in the Fall too, but there’s just something about Spring in general that renews my motivation and makes me want to work hard, clean everything in sight and get my crap together…in all aspects of my life. I love it. But even though I love running in the beautiful Spring weather, it is still so freaking hard. Running is not only a physical workout, but it’s also Continue Reading…
Another Birthday + The Adrenal Reset Diet + I’m Running Again!
Hey folks, we had another birthday at our house this week! My little sweetie pie 6 year old is now 7. 🙁 🙁 🙁 I seriously cannot believe he is so old. In my mind, he is still 3 or 4. Oh, and he told me he didn’t want a cake, but instead wanted to get my very favorite donuts in the whole world, Dunford Donuts!!! Dun, dun, dun. My 9 year old also wanted them for his birthday a couple weeks ago. Gah! It’s absolutely killing me. I decided to eat a few donuts over a span of a couple Continue Reading…
I’m 100% All In, Running is Hard and Other Random Thoughts About Healthy Living
Well folks, sadly we’re nearing the end of summer. My kids start school in TWO weeks! I can’t decide if I’m ready for school to start or not. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get a lot more done (and be a more consistent blogger!), BUT for some reason I thought I’d get a lot more done once summer started and that has definitely NOT been the case. Ha ha!!! We’ll see. We had a little bit of drama ’round here a couple nights ago. While we were visiting my parent’s house, my poor baby tripped and fell down TWICE. Continue Reading…
A Fun Road Trip, Cute Fabletics Clothes and some Great Insoles!
Hey guys! I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I think it goes without saying, but I have been a lame-o blogger lately!!! Auuuugh. I know I’m always talking about my crazy life….blah, blah, blah, but it just continues to stay crazy and it’s just the life I’m livin’! It is nuts. I know all of you mothers out there can relate. I haven’t decided if life is crazier during summer or during the school year?? I’m definitely enjoying the break from the kids’ homework, projects, driving them all over the place (wait….I’m still doing that!) and getting them to Continue Reading…