Well, since I took a little blogging hiatus….I have a lot to share! We had a crazy busy weekend (what’s new???), so I thought I would just share some highlights! So, here ya go…. It has been birthday central at our house! Tons of fun….and tons of cake! Yikes….and yum! My littlest baby turns 2 on April 3rd. It is CrAzY birthday time at our house! It is so tough to eat well with this much CAKE goin’ around. Auugghh. **************************** On Saturday, Kev and I were talking to our kids about running. Kev is training for a marathon (happening Continue Reading…
Fruity Vanilla Protein Shake + a Decent Run!
Happy Friday everyone!! I love love love Fridays!! Well, I was able to go on a decent run today! Yay! I was so sad about how crappy my last run was that I was anxious (and a little nervous!) to go again and redeem myself! My kids didn’t have school today, so I was able to leave my little ones home (no jogger for me!) I ran just over 4 miles, but I don’t know my pace because the battery on my Garmin was dead. 🙁 I felt good most of the time though and really tried to push myself. The Continue Reading…
Healthy Livin’
Well I’m happy to report that after much kicking and screaming, I finally got my 5 mile treadmill dreadmill run in the other night. I really was not looking forward to hopping on that thing, but I got’er done! Yay! I don’t know why I dread the treadmill so much. I just really really love running outside, I guess. It seems like when I’m on the treadmill, I can’t stop looking at the display. I keep thinking, “How much longer?”, “How much further?” and “When will I be off this dang thing??!” On the flip side, when I’m outside my mind Continue Reading…
Identifying Areas of Improvement
Well, for the most part I’ve had a very good week. Yay. I ate really well all week except for one meal I had last night. Kev and I went on an impromptu date to TGI Friday’s. Very fun. We ended up ordering a couple appetizers to share. It was yummy, but sadly I wasn’t even all that hungry!? I left there stuffed and bugged that I ate crappy food. Oh well. Live and learn, I guess. I did really well on the exercise front this week. I went to my regular 4 classes at the gym and ran twice. Continue Reading…
Weekend Update!
First off, I’m happy to say that Kev and I got an early morning workout in this morning! Gasp! I know it’s hard to believe….I woke up wicked early and I did it by CHOICE! Some people from our church recently organized a Monday-Friday 5:45 AM “Insanity” workout class. I was stoked when I first heard about it, but we hadn’t been able to go yet. Click here to go to their site. Love it! Soooooo, we finally did it today and I gotta say it kicked my can! It was a great workout and I was absolutely dead afterward. Continue Reading…
Weekend Recap
Well, I have a whole lotta random things to share on here. It’s been a few days since I’ve posted, so bear with me. First off, I felt terrible on Friday. I had been a slacker sleeper and was really dragging all day. I worried I was getting sick or coming down with a cold or something. It was a bummer. So, I decided to forgo my run and just chill :-(. That night I was a little concerned because I really really wanted to go to my cardio class at the gym Saturday morning, but didn’t know if I Continue Reading…