Well hey my friends!
Once again, I cannot believe it’s been so long since I’ve updated this little blog! Gah! Truth be told, it really just comes down to me being disciplined, making the time to blog and then gettin’ it done!
I’ve also been busy with the Happy Being Healthy New Year’s Challenge that I’ve been doing as well. It’s been so much fun. We’re almost half way done with the challenge and I’ve been loving connecting with so many wonderful people!
So, today I thought I would hop on here and share some of the thoughts I’ve been sharing with my challenge group. We’ve been focusing on six main healthy habits; eating quality food, tracking food intake, getting adequate sleep, water intake, self care and exercise. I’m also a HUGE proponent of Intermittent Fasting and have been highly encouraging that as well along with a few other healthy habits!
Anyhoo, yesterday I shared with the group what I did for self care….
I gave myself a much needed mani/pedi while listening to a podcast. It was so nice. I also went to a yoga class in the morning that felt so good!
Folks, for years and years and years and years and years I was not good at self care and taking care of me! It was probably at it’s worst when I was a young mother with young kids.
Life is always busy, but as a young mother I really ran myself into the ground. It’s so tough to survive on such little sleep and just go go go all the time. Also, for some reason I used to feel guilty if I took time to relax and time for myself!?
I don’t know why???
I gotta say that my stress level and my health (mental and physical) suffered because of it!
I’ve since totally changed my tune and it’s blessed my life and I dare say it’s probably blessed my loved one’s lives as well. In fact, I saw this quote the other day and it totally resonated with me!
Amen! So, I’m here to tell ya, if any of y’all feel guilty for taking care of yourself….don’t! You have to take care of you!
That’s why one of the main goals we’ve been focusing on in the healthy challenge is self care….every. single. day!
I’ve actually gotten to a place now where I look forward to doing things for me! It brings me peace, lifts my spirit, empowers me and just blesses my life!
Another thing we’ve been focusing on in this challenge is exercise, of course. I’ve set the goal at exercising 4-6 times per week. Exercise can improve our mood, strengthen our bodies, lower our stress level and bless our lives.
You don’t need to work out HARD 4-6 days a week, but I think it’s great to move our bodies and work our bodies most days. That’s how we get stronger!
It’s also important to listen to our bodies. If we are sick, worn down or weary, it’s probably best to not workout. It’s just so important to be very in tune with our bodies; push ourselves, set awesome goals for ourselves, cut ourselves some slack at times, but don’t make excuses for ourselves!
Here are some of my best tips for sticking to a regular exercise schedule:
- Find a form of exercise that you enjoy.
- Each week, take some time to schedule your workouts and then stick to them!
- I have a lot of success when I have to go to a class at a certain time. It helps me to not procrastinate.
- Workout with a friend.
- Have the intention to exercise most days. Instead of telling yourself, “I’ll just exercise 3 times a week,” which usually leads to procrastination, tell yourself you’re going to exercise every day! I always take off Sunday and it’s rare that I even work out six days a week (I usually workout hard 4 days a week), but when I look for ways to be active and exercise most days, I’m a lot more likely to stick to a regular workout schedule. Does that make sense?
- Lift weights! It is so vital to overall health, strength, injury prevention and weight loss! If you want to change your body composition and look lean and toned…..lift weights and lift heavy!
Sooooo, here’s me at my favorite class at the gym last Saturday….
It’s a Saturday morning strength training class that I look forward to every week!
I have so much more success when I have set times that I exercise. Right now my exercise schedule usually looks like this….
Monday: I teach a strength training class at my church
Tuesday: I sometimes go to a yoga class
Wednesday: I teach a HIIT training class at my church
Thursday: I love to go to an awesome strength training class at the gym
Friday: off
Saturday: I love to go to another awesome strength training class at the gym
Sunday: off
The main thing we’ve been focusing on in the challenge group is being mindful and aware of the thoughts in your head! This is so so so important and IMO is the most important thing that will determine how successful you are with health and fitness, weight loss and making it a long-term lifestyle!
You can learn so much by just taking a step back and being very aware off the thoughts kickin’ around in your brain! For example, do you relate to any of these thoughts….
- I can never lose weight
- Nothing ever works for me
- I can’t eat carbs (or another food group or item)
- I’ve always been overweight and I can’t change
- My body never responds
- I’m too old
- I have a injury, illness or some gene defect that keeps me from reaching my goals
The list goes on…. If these are the thoughts going on in your brain, they will become your reality. Simple as that. You will never reach your goals and you will never change.
Realize that the body you’re in right now is a direct reflection of the thoughts in your head and the habits and choices you are making in your life….for better or worse!
If you want to change, improve your health and/or lose weight….you have to change your thoughts, habits and choices!
There are also SO many emotional connections to food that can keep us from ever changing. You have to really dig deep and have the courage to let go of habits that are not serving you. You have to find healthier relationships with food. You have to create new, healthier ways of thinking!
It’s actually quite simple although it takes a very deliberate and consistent effort!
I’m a big believer in finding a healthy balance. I think it can be “healthy” to indulge and enjoy some of your favorite foods from time to time. The important thing is to always remain mindful and make deliberate choices.
For example, if you’re trying to “eat perfectly” and then you cave and eat a burger, fries, cookies, pizza, whatever…what happens to your mental state?
Do you immediately start to be hard on yourself, tell yourself you’re a failure and cant do anything? Or do you then give yourself a green light to go ahead and eat “all the food” and have a free for all?
Both of these things will completely sabotage you and keep you from reaching your goals! I think it’s helpful to actually “allow” yourself a treat from time to time. Always remain mindful and make it work for you!
For example, the other day I was craving pizza. My 5 year old son and I went and picked up a Little Caesars Pizza for lunch. It was so good! I had two big pieces, which I estimated to be around 550-600 calories. I know pizza is high in carbs and fat and not too high in protein, so I decided to have half of a Premier Protein shake on the side.
Side note, I usually only drink half of those shakes at a time. Each shake contains 30 grams of protein and I’ve read that most women do not need or can even process that much protein at once, so I like to just drink half, then I mark the shake with an X, put it back in my fridge and drink the other half later.
Anyway, I always count calories in my head and I always round up! So, after having my two slices of pizza and half of a protein shake, I estimated it to be about 700 calories.
I usually eat about 1500-1800 calories most days, so I knew I could easily fit in those 700 calories. I also knew it was quite a heavy meal, so my next meal I made a homemade protein shake and then for dinner I had some leftover healthy chicken vegetable soup. I kept the rest of the day light!
By remaining mindful and deliberate with my choices, I was able to indulge, but still keep within my goals and make it work for me! It didn’t mess with my mental state, make me want to give up, be hard on myself or make me want to eat all the food!
It was actually empowering! Having that pizza was awesome for my mental and emotional health. It kept me from getting burned out and made me want to keep working hard.
It’s hard to explain, so I hope you can all catch my gist.
These are things I feel so passionate about! The world wants to make health and fitness super complicated and like Rocket Science. It’s actually quite simple. Be aware of the thoughts in your head. Set up realistic goals for yourself. Be positive. Be consistent with your efforts.
That’s it!
Well, that’s all my deep thoughts for the day!
I’m actually hoping to make some YouTube videos soon. I would like to make them regularly and more often! Sometimes it’s easier for me to talk instead of figuring out how to put my thoughts into words on paper.
I hope you are all well and happy. I hope you all enjoy your weekend! xoxo
Emma says
This is great advice. Health really is all about balence! It’s not healthy to deny yourself all of the food you enjoy, you have to learn how to balence unhealthy treats with a mostly healthy diet!
My best tip to sticking to an exercise routine is to have some sort of check-in to hold you accountable. My gym membership includes a monthly body scan that analyzes my body fat and tracks progress. Knowing that that is coming up motivates me to hit the gym more often!
Melanie says
That’s so great that your gym membership includes a monthly body scan! That would be very motivational. 🙂 I wish my gym included that. I’ve paid to have my body scan done a few times and it’s been so insightful.